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Deer Valley High School

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Deer Valley High School
Home of the Skyhawks!

ELA Department

“…Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”                                 
~ Benjamin Franklin

To communicate effectively is an essential component of being human. The English Language Arts classes at DVHS encourage critical thinking and enhance students’ reading and writing skills at all levels. Courses are aligned with the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards.

In order to graduate, students are required to earn credit for four years of English. To complete this requirement, students have many choices: ELA, Honors/AP, and Dual Enrollment.

English Language Arts:               Honors/Advanced Placement courses:            ELA 2

ELA 1-2                                                                            ELA 1-2 H                                            
ELA 3-4                                                                            ELA 3-4 H/AP Seminar                          
ELA 5-6                                                                            AP Literature and Composition
ELA 7-8                                                                            AP Research

Students can also receive high school credit and college credit concurrently by enrolling in Dual Enrollment classes starting at the junior level. Taking these courses will help students meet the requirements for an AGEC (Arizona General Education Curriculum). Earning an AGEC means you have completed your general education credits required for any degree. Students who earn college credit for Dual Enrollment courses can take years off the time they will spend in college and some can even earn an Associate’s degree while in high school!

Dual Enrollment courses offered in the ELA Department:

For juniors:ELA 1

ENH 110: Introduction to Literature (helps to meet humanities or cultural diversity requirement)
ENG 101: First-Year Composition (helps to meet fundamentals requirement)

For seniors:

ENG 102: First-Year Composition (helps to meet fundamentals requirement)
ENG 111: Technical Writing (meets literacy requirement)


More classes you will want to take:

We also offer a variety of elective courses that teach real-world skills; these are all fast-paced and highly entertaining classes!

Creative Media: one or more years, 9th - 12th graders, no pre-requisites

Creative Writing: one year, 9th – 12th graders, no pre-requisites

Yearbook: one or more years, 9th – 12th graders, approval by Naomi Lundskow, Yearbook Adviser

Name Title Email Phone
Cramer, Jeanine ELA (602) 467-6868
DiMaio, Rosa ELA (602) 467-6851
Duncan, Alisen ELA (602) 467-6870
Foster, Craig ELA (602) 467-6875
Harkema, Katie ELA (602) 467-6855
Kingsbury, Christyn ELA (602) 467-6854
Leali, Jolyse ELA (602) 467-6853
Long, Holden ELA (602) 467-6856
Lundskow, Naomi ELA (602) 467-6857
Marron, Marlene ELA (602) 467-6859
McGowan, Alison Department Coordinator/Creative Media (602) 467-6860
Reagan, Melissa ELA/Yearbook (602) 467-6852
Vecera, Sarah ELA (602) 467-6858
Wiggans, Katie ELA (602) 467-6850